Author: BG Barnstormer

  • Ghostbusters List

    Ghostbusters List

    Growing up, I remember watching the movie, Ghostbusters. It was always exciting to me because not only did I love the theme song, but it was futuristic which I enjoyed. Recently I was talking with a friend about the concept of having limited time and resources, thus requiring one to prioritize where to spend their time.… Read Article…

  • Comfort Food and Scent Memories

    Comfort Food and Scent Memories

    A comfort food is one that brings a person back to a memory, feeling, or place in time. Have you ever had an experience where you smell something and suddenly, you’re mentally transported to a past memory? When smelling chocolate chip cookies, for example, one might be transported to a memory of being at their… Read Article…

  • Quiet Cove

    Quiet Cove

    Recently we had some time away in the woods at a campground where our cell service did not reach. Sure, it’s annoying to not be connected by phone and internet, but sometimes it is necessary to detach and have time to think without the noise of the city streets or buzzing of my phone with… Read Article…

  • Bathroom Organization Tips

    Bathroom Organization Tips

    Over the years of moving and settling a new home, I have discovered I really enjoy taking areas in my home and organizing them to create a clutter free space. I was listening to a podcast awhile back and the host discussed a variety of methods to organizing and where to start in a home.… Read Article…